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Leary, J. et al (2019)
J. Leary, F. Mwila, N. Serenje, F. Yamba, S. Batchelor
About the publication
The eCook Zambia Design Challenge aimed to facilitate the participatory design of eCook (a battery supported electric cooking concept), allowing the generic concept to evolve around Zambian cooking practices. Entrepreneurs from the Zambian cookstove, solar lighting and utility sectors worked with everyday cooks to guide the evolution of eCook around their needs and aspirations. In the morning, the cooks used a variety of stoves to prepare typical Zambian dishes, offering feedback to the entrepreneurs on what design features they would like to see on a future eCook product. In the afternoon, groups of entrepreneurs presented their visions for eCook in Zambia. They presented the market segments they planned to target and the marketing strategies they would use to reach them; the business models they would use to make it affordable to poorer households; and the innovation needed to make it all work.