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Leary, J. et al (2019)
Jon Leary, Wint Wint Hlaing, Aung Myint, Sane Sane, Phyu Phyu Win, Thet Myat Phyu, Ei Thinzar Moe, Than Htay, Nigel Scott, Simon Batchelor, Dipti Vaghela
About the publication
This report summarises the findings from four Focus Group Discussions(FGDs) held in Myanmar, with the aim of informing the development of a battery-supported electric cooking concept, eCook. It is part of a broader programme of work, designed to identify and investigate the opportunities and challenges that await in high impact markets such as Myanmar. Women and men from rural and periurban contexts were asked about their current cooking practices and how they aspire to cook in the future. The participatory sessions involved a live cooking demonstration of popular local foods with a prototype eCook device.