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We are delighted to invite you to participate in the MECS Virtual Event 2020, to be held from 16th to 27th November 2020. This online event will provide a timely opportunity for members of the MECS global family to share progress, findings, next steps, and broader implications of MECS activities/outputs.
The overall aim of the event is to discuss the diverse range of MECS outputs to date in the broader context of progress towards changing the narrative to achieve a rapid acceleration in the global transition to clean cooking. The programme encompasses a diverse range of sessions, including sessions focusing on modelling and multi-tier framework indicators with invited external panellist speakers, updates from MECS Challenge Fund projects, and the launch event for the ESMAP/MECS report entitled “Cooking With Electricity: A Cost Perspective”.
Event sessions at a glance (joining links provided in session full descriptions thereafter):


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