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Customising Malawi-Made Solar Electric Cooking Technology and Business Models to Provide Access to Very Low-Income Villagers

Published Date 

6 Mar 2020


Kachione, L. et al (2020)

Lawrence Kachione; Gilbert Roberts; Christina Gilbert; James Majoni; Rachel Kanyerere; Robert Van Buskirk

About the publication

The specific objectives of this project are to collect data and analyse benefits, cost and performance of a baseline SHSw/ISEC design (solar electric home system with insulated solar electric cooker) along with a potential design variant. This data and analysis is meant to enable further improvements in SHSw/ISEC design so that new variants of the system can be produced that increase economic, social, and environmental benefits for both consumers and the climate. Key to the performance evaluation of the solar electric cooker will be understanding the utilization behaviour of the users as a function of solar resource, system characteristics, and household characteristics for a reasonably large variety of rural Malawian households.

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