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Irungu, W. et al (2020)
Wilson Irungu; Agnes Kalyonge; Monica Mbinya
About the publication
The aim of this project was to offer smart cooking solutions to the Kenyan population, specifically those connected to the grid. Knowledge and access to existing modern energy cooking solutions is key because this underpins a sustainable, improved healthy living and reduced environmental degradation.
Partnerships and collaborations were established with Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) and other MECS-TRIID challenge fund winners (Bidhaa Sasa and Sun Culture) respectively to help further the agenda of clean cooking. The report will give details on our findings, dissemination methods that were successful in ensuring that the EPC agenda reached the masses and also the way forward in the coming years about plans that have been set in motion to ensure that the scale up continues unabated.