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Clements, W. et al (2020)
William Clements, Kimon Silwal, Surendra Pandit, Jon Leary, Biraj Gautam, Sam Williamson, Anh Tran and Paul Harpe
About the publication
This paper reports on a study that introduced electric cooking as an alternative to biomass-based cooking in 10 households in Simli, a rural Western Nepali community, to assess its feasibility in rural off-grid con-texts. Quantitative and qualitative data from a cooking diary study and electrical mini-grid data were collected,assessing the compatibility with micro-hydropower grids and Nepali cooking practices.
Datasets of Nepali cooking practices and meal energy requirements were generated, revealing that generally two meals are cooked per day and that, on average, electric cooking consumes 0.25 kWh/day and 0.14 kWh/meal. Participants simplified their cooking practices and found chapati hard to cook on the induction hobs due to inexperience with the cookers.