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Key Partners

Gamos is a small but influential company working with the social factors surrounding technology use and transfer. A group of professionals who seek to select their clients (Governments and Non Government Agencies) to make the optimum impact. Founded in 1989, Gamos is concerned to use its professional skills for the empowerment of individuals and communities in the poorer sections of society in developing countries. This mainly involves training and research, actively seeking to build capacity in the South

project lead: yabei zhang
The Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), is a multi-donor global trust fund programme managed by the World Bank Group. Their mandate is to help low and middle-income countries reduce poverty and boost growth, through environmentally sustainable energy solutions. Under the MECS programme, ESMAP will provide the evidence for understanding how and when modern energy cooking transitions can happen. They will develop indicators and measurement capacity for the international measurement of modern energy cooking services and will look for opportunities to scale up new approaches, business models and technologies developed through the MECS programme.
University Partners

Activities include
Loughborough University
Staffing and lab build
Cooking System Design Analysis
System Modelling
User experience deisgn and worksgop
CREST explores the technological aspects of cooking system design and associated system modelling.

Activities include
Newcastle University
Review of MECS technology
Development of modelling and stimulation environment
Operation and control methods
Laboratory testing facilities
This project investigates the potential for multi-vector cooking appliances through the use of systems modelling.

Activities include
University College London
Literature review with a focus on Ethiopia
Regional surveys of household cooking
Working with Ethiopian Electric Utility (EEU)
Map our financing scheme and models
UCL undertakes technical, economic and social analyses for the adoption of high efficiency electric cooking appliances in the country context of Ethiopia.
Activities include

University of Liverpool
CLEAN-Air(Africa) is conducting applied implementation and mixed-methods research to understand how best to support populations transition from reliance on polluting solid fuels and kerosene to clean modern household energy.
The University of Liverpool’s Energy, Air Pollution and Health Research theme hosts the NIHR funded Clean Energy Adoption for the prevention of Non-communicable disease in Africa (CLEAN-Air(Africa) Global Health Research Group).
Activities include
University of Strathclyde
Activities Include
Review of MECS technology
Local cooking practices and relationships with cooking
Current eCook market in Malawi
Engaement with stakeholders

The project led by the University of Strathclyde focuses on market assessment and sustainable business models for electric cooking devices in Malawi.

Activities include
University of Surrey
Modelling eCook systems and how to link to grids and local networks
Environmental assessment of current technologies
Risk management
The project intends to provide simulation/evaluation of possible clean cooking approaches and to provide technology and system guidance to deisngers.
Activities include
University of Sussex
An empircally- grounded map of current innovation systems in Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania
This Sussex-led project centres on building innovation systems to facilitate transformations in e-cooking.