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Shuma,J. and Sawe,E. 2020
Jensen Shuma and Estomih N. Sawe
About the publication
The Approach to Designing Delivery Models of MECS in Tanzania (ADD-MECS-Ta) is a research project with purpose to study the entire market systems of the modern energy cooking appliances in order to identify, assess and understand market actors, barriers, enablers and drivers in order to propose for an approach that will improve the delivery of modern energy cooking appliances in Tanzania. The modern energy cooking services (MECS) researched through this project are geared towards improving market of modern energy cooking appliances specifically the high efficient Electric Pressure Cookers (EPCs) which are cleaner cooking appliances that have low or zero emissions of harmful fumes. The time scale of the project was six months (19 Aug 2018 -28 Feb 2020) The project was implemented in urban and peri-urban areas of Dar es Salaam Region (Ubungo and Kinondoni Districts) and rural areas of Gairo District in Morogoro Region where PowerGen Company is currently operating a Solar PV Mini-Grid power plant.